Torie Feldman

Opening Ceremony: Calling your Healed Ancestors of Blood, Soul, and Star Lineage

Hukena & Kenewma YawanawÁ

The Ancient Future: An Ancestral Journey Through Yawanawá Indigenous Sacred Knowledge

Lauren E. Walsh

Healing Ancestral Trauma
& Religious Wounds

Michael Meade

The Roots of Ancestry,
The Roots of Truth

Ancient Mythology, Anthropology, & Psychology


Robert Edward Grant

The Hidden Connection Between Mesoamerican, Incan and Ancient Egyptian Cultures

Isis Indriya

Communion with the Holy Waters of Life: Reflections from a Chamorro Pacific Islander & Ancient Egyptian Cosmological perspective

Bela Aznar

The Toltec Way:
The 3 I's of Spiritual Mastery

Toltec Lineage

JOrdan Mockingbird

Initiation & Integrity on the Shamanic Path

Tobacco Lineage


Jocelyn Star Feather

The Ancient Egyptians &
the Great Precessional Cycles

Marza Millar, Grandmother Two Clouds

Remembering the Past to Live for the Future

Ojibwe & Scottish Lineage

Kabir Helminski

I-ness without "I":
The Ecstasy of Being

The Whirling Dervishes, the Lineage of Rumi

Marin Vayu

Lost Wisdom of the Five Elements

Snow Raven

Ancestors, Trance States,
& Shamanic Cosmology

Arctic Siberian Shamanism


Sensei Zen Takai

Samurai Philosophy

16th Generation Samurai

Madame Pamita

Slavic Ancestral Magic

Baba Yaga & Ukranian Lineage

Amir Khalighi

Healing the Primal Wound of the Patriarch

Shamanism & Hermetic Qabalah Lineage

Dr. anita sanchez

Creating Harmony and Balance

Nahua (Aztec) & Toltec Lineages


Christine Hernandez

Remembering Our Roots with Ceremonial Cacao

Mayan Lineage

Rossanita Tello

Deepening Connection
to Sacred Plants with Integrity

Quechua & Amazonian Peruvian Lineage

Kale Kaalekahi

Ancestral Intelligence -
The Original A.I.

Kanaka Lineage

June "Jumakae" Kaewsith

Reclaiming Our Ancestry Beyond Oceans and Borders

Thai & Buddhist Lineage


Ke'oni Hanalei

The Mea Ne'e ~
Cosmic Lineage of Water

Hawaiian Lineage

Ting Ting Guan

Unveiling Ancestry: A Movement Journey from Whitewashing to Reconnecting

Mongolian Chinese Lineage

Professor Sidnei Barreto Nogueira

Wisdom of the Orixás

Bàbálorisá of Candomblé 

Dora & Robert Solache Brought Plenty

Relations to the Land & Dream Work

Lakota Sioux Turtle Clan & 
Purepecha, Chichimeca, and Mexica Heritage


lithia booi 

UBUNTU: A Way of Life

South African Xhosa Lineage

Zefirah Seraphina

Oracles of Sophia: Reclaiming the Ancient Oracular Way of the Melissae, Bee Women

Nukumi Selina Mu

Ancient Wisdom for the New Earth from the Indigenous Elder Ancestors of Turtle Island

Lineage Holder of the Ancient Original Medicine Way of Earth Mother Mu

Kai Karrel

In the Line of Spirit

Ancestry & Past Lives in Different Traditions


Zoe Christina Solaris

Stellar Blessings from Bone Marrow

Tengri (Hungarian) Shamanic Lineage

Max Dashu

Recovering Ancestral European Wisdom

Founder of Suppressed Histories Archive

Itzhak Beery

Answering the Ancestor's Call in a Time of Crucial Transformation


Torie Feldman

Closing Ceremony & Q+A

Wisdom keepers from around the world are assembling now to share their messages. This is a unique opportunity to learn from elders and lineage holders all over the world. Through transmissions, ceremonies, teachings, and prayers, we awaken the beauty and light within us.

It’s time to remember, reclaim, and return to our roots — made of the earth and stars.

About Your Host

Torie Feldman is the Founder of Sacred Ancestry, a global movement of people connecting to their ancestors and healing their lineages. She specializes in the intersection of ancestral healing, ancient wisdom, and spirituality — helping people to connect to their ancestors, remember the wisdom of the ancient ones, and embody the deep spiritual gifts of their lineage. Her degree in Cultural Anthropology combined with her year working on a reservation deeply ground her work, alongside her ongoing study of Mystery Schools and cultures all over the world. She lives on the unceded indigenous lands of the Chumash, known as Topanga, CA. Torie teaches live courses, 1-on-1 Mentorship, Ancestral Healing Certification, and the Mystery School of Ancestry year-round.

And don't miss this opportunity to join
Lineage of Love, which is officially open!

This is a LIVE course hosted by Torie

We begin on September 17th

Lineage of Love is a 6-week course to support you to build deep, authentic relationships with your ancestors and bring healing to your lineage.

You will learn ancestral healing for yourself, your ancestors, and future generations.

You will connect with the deep spirituality and wisdom that lives within your ancestry.

Torie will guide you through the process through live calls, in-depth video teachings, healing meditations, and PDF's overflowing with wisdom.

This is truly a transformational journey — one where you will meet your healed ancestral guide, understand the inner-workings of the Ancestral Realm and Spirit World, and experience life-changing ancestral healing and connection.

You will reclaim the power of your roots, and allow the healing work you do to ripple through your entire lineage.

You will release ancient negative patterns tied to your childhood, parents, and ancestors — so that you can break the cycle, reclaim your power, and thrive.

Now is the best time to join us — ride on the currents of the Ancestral Wisdom Council as we carry this energy into healing our lineages TOGETHER!

Doors are officially open TODAY!
The live course with Torie begins on September 17th.
It's time to dive into your ancestry!

© Copyright Sacred Ancestry. All Rights Reserved.